2d sprite package unity download
2d sprite package unity download

Open the Package Manager in Unity (via Window > Package Manager). Unfortunately a bug in Unity causes the error "Opening scene in read-only package!" when trying to directly open a scene within a package downloaded via git URL: To open the example scenes of the Spine Examples package, please copy the scene files from the package directory to your Assets directory using your system's file manager ( Explorer or Finder respectively).

2d sprite package unity download

option, you can also directly use add the three packages with these URLs: Using Unity Package Manager - 'Add package from git URL' instead of the unitypackage If your Unity version is rather recent and your Unity Package Manager provides the Add package from git URL.

  • Copy the folder spine-runtimes/spine-csharp/src to your project's Assets/Spine/Runtime/spine-csharp folder.Īlternative Installation via Package Manager.
  • Copy the contents of spine-runtimes/spine-unity/Assets/ to your project's Assets/ folder.
  • Clone the spine-runtimes Git repository.
  • Getting latest changes via Git instead of the unitypackage
  • Import the unitypackage (you can double-click on it and Unity will open it).
  • Alternatively you can get the latest changes via Git as described below.

    2d sprite package unity download

  • Download the latest spine-unity unitypackage.
  • Create a new empty project in the Unity Editor.
  • To use the spine-unity runtime in your Unity project: Integrating an official Spine Runtime into your applications requires a valid Spine license, though you are welcome to use the Spine Runtimes for evaluation purposes.

    2d sprite package unity download